1440p vs 1080p Laptop Display

September 20, 2021

1440p vs 1080p Laptop Display

Laptop displays come in different resolutions and sizes, and often the resolution can affect the price. Two of the most common display resolutions found in laptops are 1440p and 1080p. But which one is better for you? In this article, we'll compare these two display resolutions and help you decide which one to choose for your needs.

What is 1440p?

First, let's define what 1440p means. It's an abbreviation for a display with a resolution of 2560 x 1440, which means the display has 2560 pixels horizontally and 1440 pixels vertically.

What is 1080p?

1080p, on the other hand, refers to a display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080, which means the display has 1920 pixels horizontally and 1080 pixels vertically.

Resolution Comparison

The most notable difference between these two display resolutions is that 1440p has more pixels than 1080p. In fact, 1440p has almost double the number of pixels compared to 1080p. That means that 1440p displays have a higher pixel density, which can lead to sharper images and text.

However, it's worth noting that the difference in clarity between the two resolutions is not always noticeable. It depends on the screen size and your eyesight. For example, the difference between the two resolutions might be more significant on a 27-inch display than on a 14-inch display.

Performance Impacts

Another notable difference between these two resolutions is the performance impact. Since 1440p has more pixels than 1080p, it will require more processing power to render graphics and images. This can lead to reduced frame rates and lower performance in games and graphic-intensive applications.

On the other hand, 1080p displays are less demanding and can run smoothly on less powerful hardware. If you have a lower-end laptop or use your laptop for tasks like browsing the web or watching videos, a 1080p display might be a better choice.

Price Comparison

Finally, let's talk about price. 1440p laptop displays are generally more expensive than their 1080p counterparts. If you're on a budget, a 1080p display might be a better option, as you can save money and still get a high-quality display.


In conclusion, 1440p displays have more pixels and can provide sharper images, but they are also more demanding on your laptop's hardware and cost more. 1080p displays are less demanding and less expensive but offer slightly less clarity in resolution. It depends on your preference, budget, and use case.

We hope this article has helped you make an informed decision when choosing between 1440p and 1080p laptop displays.


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